Restorative Justice? What's that? (Howard Zehr)
사단법인 한국회복적정의협회
조회수 316
Restorative Justice? What's that? (Howard Zehr)
경기도 남양주시 와부읍 궁촌로 25 ㅣ 사업자등록번호 132-82-12871 ㅣ이재영 이사장
(12269) 경기도 남양주시 와부읍 궁촌로 25 피스빌딩 ㅣ문의 031-521-8833 ㅣ
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Howard Zehr
Do a Google search for the phrase “restorative justice” and you will get over a million “hits” for a term that was virtually non-existent 25 years ago. Ask what it means and you may get a variety of answers.
For many, it implies a meeting between victims of crime and those who have committed those crimes. A family meets with the teenagers who burglarized their home, expressing their feelings and negotiating a plan for repayment. Parents meet with the man who murdered their daughter to tell him the impact and get answers to their questions.
A school principal and his family meet with the boys who exploded a pipe bomb in their front yard, narrowly missing the principal and his infant child. The family’s and the neighbors’ fears of a recurrence are put to rest and the boys for the first time understand the enormity of what they have done. [본문 발췌]
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